Wednesday, August 11, 2010

shopping day

My roomie had the day off of work today so she asked if I wanted to go shopping with her to look for some things she needed. I agreed with hesitating and so off we went!

We went to the mall first to Dillards. They had a good selection of items on sale. She and I bought the same dress because it was so stinkin' cute! And they were the last two there! She got another dress that will be Clemson gameday-worthy. She got a few other things in the mall, and we ended the mall trip with a delectable lunch at Sesame Grill. I had a southwestern grilled chicken salad that was to die for (since the lady wouldn't let me order mini-burgers off the kids menu). On we continued to downtown...

We parked and then walked up and down King Street. She took me in to a few places I had never been into before, and we found this one particular shop that had cute dresses at really good prices. I'll have to remember that one! I went in to the Apple Store and got a keyboard cover to protect my keys from dirt and such (and now I can eat and type at the same time without worrying about grease getting on the keys). She got a couple of other things, and then we headed back to our place.

It has been a rather lazy afternoon. I finished reading my book and made some Bagel Bites for supper. Almost time now for Jeopardy!!!

Also, my friend from San Diego arrives tonight. She was probably my closest friend in my study abroad group in Costa Rica and is coming to visit for a few days. Pray that we have a safe and happy time while she is here!

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